Welcome to the K2MATCH Mountain Boot Camp to the K2 Mountain Summit
Discover Why Understanding the Principles, Processes of The Ecology of Execution, Relationships, and Psychology are the Keys to Your Business Success
Executive Summary: In this article, we explore the vital connection between entrepreneurial psychology and business success, comparing the journey of a start-up to climbing the K2 Mountain.
You'll learn how understanding the dynamic interdependencies and complexities of entrepreneurial psychology, human behaviour, execution strategy, and managing resistance are crucial to achieving sustainable business growth.
We outline the three key stages of entrepreneurial change, how to close the "Execution Gap,", and draw heavily from Dr. Price Pritchett, a renowned expert on personal and organisational change, and his 4 decades of extensive work with entrepreneurs and senior global corporation executives, and insights from thought leaders and experts like Dr. Clayton Christensen, Ray Dalio and Prof. Bent Flyvbjerg.
By gaining an understanding and mastering these powerful pragmatic principles and forces, you'll be better equipped to overcome challenges and become a professional, successful entrepreneur.
This research has produced some very clear and helpful in-sights for entrepreneurship and business success.
The Importance of Entrepreneurial Performance Psychology and Execution Strategy
When it comes to achieving any successful endeavour like trekking from The K2MATCH Boot Camp and onto the K2 Mountain Summit, or transitioning your entrepreneurial dream to launching your Business Start-up, what matters most is your ability to understand and develop the mechanics of a robust business idea and synchronise it with the harmonics of the principles of Entrepreneurial Psychology and Execution Strategy for your enterprise.
Recent research in the emerging field of Entrepreneurial Performance Psychology, which covers the multi-disciplinary intersection of contemporary individual and organisational psychology, behavioural economics and consumer behaviours, has revealed critical factors that either inhibits or advances Execution Strategy for business rollouts, mergers and acquisitions, generative organisational change, growth strategies and performance breakthroughs. This research has produced some very clear and helpful in-sights for entrepreneurship and business success.
But firstly, let’s review a critical sobering fact that has spawned this research.
Far too frequently, a large percentage of new business launches and change efforts stall, fall short of projections or tragically completely and utterly fail! There are just so many risks in any new venture that starts with some grand passionate vision, coupled with enthusiastic excitement, married to an audacious plan to make that special, precious dream a reality.
The Greatest Potential Risk...
But of all the risks and reasons why businesses fail, the most significant of all is not knowing that…The Biggest Risk of Your Enterprise Failing Is You.
This hard truth, according to Bent Flyvbjerg, the world’s leading Megaproject expert, who has consulted on over 100 Megaprojects costing more than $1Billion, wrote on the final page of his book – “How Big Things Get Done – The Surprising Factors Behind Every Successful Project from Home Renovations to Space Exploration”, states,
“…it is tempting to think that start-ups, businesses or projects themselves fail mainly because of some unexpected, uncontrollable external random black swan event, however…ultimately the real reason they fail is because of the lack of awareness of what human psychology inclines us to do.
The greatest threat we face is not out in the world; it is in our own head”, in all our unconscious and conscious psychological & behavioural idiosyncrasies. “This is true for every one of us and every project. Which is why your biggest risk is you.”
And, of course, the risks that arise from what human psychology inclines us to do applies to everyone else in the entrepreneurial chain, because of the universal human reality – we all have psychology, and while it’s true that we are all wired differently – we see, hear, think, and feel differently, nevertheless…
Everybody seeks something more and everybody hurts sometimes!
This understanding is the Start-up entrepreneur’s, and every business leader’s Number 1 Priority. When people think they will get hurt or there is a possibility of a loss everything goes awry.
Understanding the Critical Factors in Business Success and Failure
To be clear, the risk of you failing happens regardless of your experience, advanced business education, raw talent, brilliant mind, innovative products or services or even outstanding strategic plans, market acceptance, significant financial resources or investor support.
As critical as those elements are, they are not enough for a successful launch, achieving performance gains, on-going operational economic viability or even leadership, confidence and or self-esteem.
The Common Pitfalls in Business Launches:
The primary reasons these enterprise leaders too frequently fail, is due to a lack of an understanding and the application of the key insights of the Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Performance Psychology, Change and Resistance Dynamics and the unique unconscious drivers and inhibitors of human psychology.
What often lurks concealed beneath the surface of an entrepreneur’s or a business leader’s consciousness, is the ever-present dark, negative, fearful thoughts and feelings that they may fail, causing them in the face of uninhibited resistance, to unconsciously mismanage their own efforts and the activities of the business.
Obviously, every enterprise involves people. When you have people, you have psychology.
People do not operate in a vacuum; Start-ups don't operate in a vacuum.
Instead of being in a vacuum, enterprises are a highly complex, diverse ecology of competing individual needs and group dynamics, in which people think, consider, make judgements, decisions and take actions involving others.
We might simply call this ecology – Relationships…
Relationships: The Foundation of Business Dynamics
The Often-Forgotten Great Truth is that the Central & Essential Challenge in Business as in Life, is Relationships...Where there are people you have relationships, and when you have relationships you have an ecology of all the different psychological dynamics of the hierarchies, and layers of individual and group psychology, plus a plethora of unconscious drives, assumptions, cognitive biases, thoughts, emotions and behaviours.
The universal reality of psychology is that our thoughts, feelings and actions are regrettably, not always as rational, logical or helpful as we would expect them to be…particularly in relationships, in stressful challenging environments and especially in new business enterprises...because all those psycho-emotive energies become exponentially amplified and multiplied.
The Psychological Truths Behind Interpersonal Dynamics in Business
The necessity of possessing a basic understanding of these psychological force dynamics is essential for successful entrepreneurship because it lays out the significance and implications of individual cognitions, motivations, emotions and behaviours that inform the structure of our decisions, emotions and actions.
These factors, plus the amplifying impact of the money, identity, self-protection and status impulses, dramatically affects interpersonal stakeholder relationships, particularly those between a founder or founders, the business team, suppliers, markets, investors and even the relationships we have within ourselves.
The Three Stages of Entrepreneurial Change:
All new business Start-ups follow a sequential change process after discovering, evaluating and seeking to capitalise opportunities. They transition through three entrepreneurial stages of change.
The Pre-Launch, The Launch and The Post-Launch. Each stage is naturally all about change, every change invokes resistance.
Managing Expectations and Resistance to Change During Business Growth
It is helpful to repeat that whenever there is change there is a natural psychological resistance that frequently ignites inflammatory protective emotional responses. The ability to manage change and the disruptions to one’s expectations is an absolute prerequisite skill for leaders.
Climbing the Entrepreneurial Mountain:
Navigating Challenges and Uncertainty
Managing your businesses from launch to economic sustainability is not unlike the challenges of trying to climb K2 the world’s most treacherous mountain –
These climbs are rarely conducted in perfect external environmental, or in our own individual internal or collective psychological, conditions. The monstrous K2 mountain terrain is dramatically uncertain, complex and exceptionally unpredictable – even deadly dangerous.
Every stage of your business launch contains increasing levels of vulnerability, of escalating stresses and demands on relationships - power, control, resources, money, reputations and expectations.
How Unexpected Obstacles Impact Execution and Business Relationships
Literally every entrepreneurial expedition is challenged by resistance to so many unexpected upheavals and reversals that disrupt strategic business spread sheet and relationship assumptions, expectations and negatively impact physical, financial and psychological resources and relational commitments.
All too often the challenging reality comes as a great shock, creating a disconcerting betrayal of expectations, and the hard truth of the notion that...
“No plan survives first contact with the enemy” smacks sharply like the proverbial unexpected whack on the side of the head.
As Mike Tyson commented when asked by a reporter whether he was worried about Evander Holyfield and his fight plan, he answered;
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”
Does this mean that there is no need to plan? Absolutely not.
The Execution Gap
The typical problem arises not from an inferior or even a solid viable business plan, but from an uninformed and inferior execution process underwritten by the awareness of the critical importance of the principles and forces of human behaviour in relationship to business in a highly challenging new venture environment.
Ultimately, the newbie Start-up entrepreneur, like the worn-out, beat-up amateur boxer, must accept the hard reality that it’s time to become a professional if they want to stay in the ring, the first thing a professional boxer very quickly learns is that you must execute.
Discovering What You Don’t Know:
Failure to execute strategy is amateurish behaviour.
Failure to execute is frequently termed the Execution Gap.
The Execution Gap is really a Knowledge Gap. The Knowledge Gap has two components.
Firstly, actually knowing you don’t know, or secondly not knowing you don’t know.
As the psychologist, R.D. LAING perceptively observed.
“ If we don't know we don't know, we think we know”
Bridging the Knowledge and Execution Gaps
Regardless of the cause of being uninformed, whether it’s having a blind spot, unconscious over-confidence or possibly an ego barrier the fact is, that not having a basic professional knowledge of the influence of the subtle dynamic interplay of two vital primary relationships in business operations; the Mechanical Strategic Business Processes and the Universal Unconscious Human Psychological Processes, does not provide any immunity for the negative consequences of amateurish ignorance.
The Overlooked Role of Entrepreneurial Psychology in Start-up Success
Ray Dalio, one of the world’s most successful business billionaires and thought leader famously emphasised that...
“Knowing how to deal with what you don’t know, is more important than anything you do know and not knowing is how bad decisions are made, and because they are so certain they are right and don’t allow themselves to see that better or more complete alternatives or answers exist and should be implemented”
Additionally, Clayton Christiansen, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, commented that,
“the reason for poor new venture and business results is that too often people set out to pursue a business goal or a passion with a solid strategic plan, and an understanding of what they need to do – regrettably they just don’t know how to do what needs to be done to successfully execute their business strategy.”
Execution vs. Strategy: Why Execution is Difficult
Professor Christensen admits that many MBA Schools & Business Colleges have by inappropriately over-emphasising strategy, produced an unintended and unsatisfactory outcome for business leaders. He said,
“…it is not surprising that the area that business struggle with most, execution, is the one that they have the least education or knowledge of applying.”
Of course, what is even more less known and even less applied, yet more critical is the knowledge of the cause & effect relationship between the Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Psychology and Entrepreneurial Success.
Becoming a Professional Entrepreneur:
Learning the Dynamics of the Psychology of Success
Becoming a professional Start-up is firstly about becoming informed and educated - gaining a reasonable or a functional understanding of the two foundational dynamics of entrepreneurial success - Business structure & strategy and the psychology of entrepreneurship & execution excellence.
The Vital Role of Business Structure and Psychological Understanding
Here is Dr Price Pritchett’s, a leading world expert in the psychology of fast growth & execution psychology, great insight as to the essential and distinguishing element of personal & business, strategy and execution success. He said,
“The greater impediment for fledgling start-ups, entrepreneurs and business leaders etc. is that they are very rarely informed or prepared psychologically and emotionally about their own and others relentless reactionary unconscious resistance, and their negative emotional & behavioural responses to the uncertainties and vulnerabilities that arise on their largely uncharted entrepreneurial journey.
A journey that is often clouded by a fog of vulnerability, uncertainty, chaos and ambiguity, which naturally sets off a primal alarm deep inside an entrepreneur's brain.
Without any conscious effort on their own part, it triggers individuals, leaders and often the team’s psychological self-preservation instincts to dig- in, as resistance repeatedly and unrelentingly overcomes their commitment, consequentially their hard-wired immunity to move or execute, overrides any strategic, emotional or financial imperatives."
In a cognitive sense, what happens in effect is their executive prefrontal cortex boardroom-door locks tight…and the lights go out - and in this silent darkness they literally don’t know or can see what to do. And this is where and why execution frequently breaks down.
Dr Pritchett continues…
"Regrettably, many entrepreneurs and business leaders just don’t know how significant the mental game of life and business is, or what it is precisely, how and why it operates or more importantly how they can bridge this knowledge gap from a mere intellectual insight to the real life-real time practical ability to act on it.
Nor do they possess the knowledge to successfully incorporate the latest psychological and neurological in-sights, self-management & emotional intelligence skills required to deploy and manage the ongoing successful relationship of these psychological principles of execution within their business strategy.
Regrettably neither do they have practical, simple support structures and systems in place that harmoniously integrates the mechanical and psychological elements of their business plan that will structure and sustain their best efforts and produce breakthrough results.”
Successful business ventures play an enormous positive role, adding value to the vitality and economic health and wellbeing for individuals and society, but here is the rub, for entrepreneurs as John Dorr, the billionaire venture capitalist put it…
"Ideas are easy. Execution is everything."
Dr. Price Pritchett's you2 Quantum Leap Strategy Program
Dr Price Pritchett’s you2 Quantum Leap Strategy Program, an elite professional curated program for K2MATCH Start-up Entrepreneurs, changes all that with its powerful and effective Strategic Execution Roadmap.
This unique program was developed by two Ph.D. psychologists, Dr. Price Pritchett and Dr. Kim Webster, who have decades of high-level experience in training, coaching and consulting to high-level executives in the world’s leading organisations and corporations.
This Elite Training Prepares Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders for High-Level Success
This powerful and insightful program provides you with opportunity to advance from an amateur, or perhaps a metaphorical amateur Start-up, to becoming a true professional and successful entrepreneur.
You will learn all about closing the Knowledge Gap – becoming well informed about the multi-dimensional scope and depth of the forces and traps of Change & Resistance and the hyper-sensitive dynamics of individual and organisation psychology and fast growth strategies.
This understanding will prepare you for the most Unprecedented and Unexpected Resistance you will be very surprised to encounter during the 3 Stages of Change along your Entrepreneurial Journey.
Most importantly you will also learn how to prevent and/or close the Execution Gap - enabling you to proactively utilise highly effective counter-intuitive behavioural business skills and psychological mindset strategies for your successful Start-up journey
Final Thoughts: The Road to Entrepreneurial Victory
Our intention and promise is to assist you obtain a sound foundational understanding of these profound dynamic prerequisites that can provide you with a greater understanding in preparing you and your enterprise for the intricate complexities of successful entrepreneurial success, instead of the likelihood of frustration, stress, disappointments, exorbitant budget blowouts, possible failure, bankruptcy, disappointments, loss of reputation and most critically for entrepreneurs status.
Here again is the good news. Rather than being the unsuccessful leader of a failed start-up, there is the superior and far more promising attractive alternative we have available and prepared for you.
Discover Why Execution, Relationships, and Psychology are the Keys to Success
We invite you to commit to your entrepreneurial success and to join with us and learn, apply and execute the specific principles and actions that psychological science, offers you the maximin opportunity to enjoy all the various rewards and accolades that recognise you as the founder of a thriving new business.
This article explores the critical role of entrepreneurial psychology and execution strategy in achieving business success. It compares the start-up journey to climbing a treacherous mountain, emphasizing the importance of overcoming resistance and bridging the "Execution Gap." Key insights from thought leaders highlight how mastering both strategy and psychology is essential for long-term entrepreneurial success.

Peter Harrison (CEO and Founder of Emergent Qˣ and Founder Development Director at K2MATCH)
Peter Harrison is a seasoned authority in entrepreneurial psychology and high-performance leadership. With many decades of ongoing training, education and experience in broad range of industries, Peter has been at the forefront of guiding executives, entrepreneurs, and businesses through the intricacies of change management, execution strategy, and performance optimization.
As the founder of Emergent Qˣ, and a You2 Quantum Leap Strategy Master Trainer and Master Coach, he leverages cutting-edge psychological and neuroscience research and practical insights to help businesses achieve breakthrough results by mastering both the technical and psychological dimensions of success. Peter’s deeply personal and committed approach integrates deep psychological expertise with actionable individual and business strategies, fostering sustainable growth and transformation.

K2MATCH Founders Team: Peter Harrison (left) , Alexandros Dohn (middle), Badr Moudden (right)
K2MATCH provides a professional international curated entrepreneurial ecosystem for Startups and ScaleUps. We match Startups with Investors, Corporates, Business Communities, Expert Solution Partners and provide world-class growth solutions and services for entrepreneurs and business leaders.