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Nils Michaelis

Communication Trainer & Coach: Kommunikations Kunst

Charisma and persuasiveness are your personal key to success.


I am an expert in interpersonal communication.

I help you to present yourself with more confidence and poise, so that you communicate more convincingly and effectively to achieve your goals.

I help you achieve a confident appearance and persuasive power in any situation.

I help you to communicate better.

What exactly does that mean?

I help you to communicate in such a way that you achieve your goals.

KommunikationsKunst in two phases.

First, we will focus on the basics. Thanks to precise body language, a clear way of speaking and targeted rhetoric, we increase your impact, your charisma and your perceived competence.

With strengthened self-confidence and more self-assurance, you will be more convincing and effective in your actions. Now we fully commit ourselves to your topic and realize your goals.

You make the difference.

Be more present and be noticed.

Be more convincing and be heard.

Be more emphatic and be understood.

Be more charismatic and become more inspiring.

Listen and understand.

Communication connects.

Good communication makes for sustainable sales – Right from the beginning you were able to build a relationship based on trust.

Good communication ensures efficiency – Your team not only understands the goals, but is also inspired by your clear vision.

Good communication ensures “more for everyone” – During negotiations, you looked for common interests and didn’t dwell on positions.

Why me?

I know from my own professional experience what it means to appear confident and to communicate successfully. Not only have I managed one of the leading restaurants in Manhattan, but I’ve also helped restructure teams and companies as well as implement my own business ideas.

Whether presenting to the board, guiding hundreds of employees, or negotiating one-on-one, the secret lies in communication.

After graduating from college, I worked as a young executive in Manhattan. It was a fast-paced company. When I wasn’t interacting with employees, I was in conversations with customers. Communication was and is my most used “tool.” I quickly realized that my communication within the team determined our daily success. A miscued look, an inconsiderate remark, or a careless intonation could cause results to turn against us. Thanks to good communication, I learned to motivate, inspire, understand and lead.

“Employees don’t leave companies. They leave leaders.” It is my ambition to provide leaders with good communication so that no employee wants to leave their job because of a bad leader.

Today I am an independent trainer & coach for “good” communication, focusing on the topics: Leadership, Customer Contact, Service Orientation, Effective Speaking and Presenting. I work with people on their appearance, self-image and persuasiveness.